Our Ethos

Our focus on nurturing the individual and their unique talents encourages every one of our pupils to flourish.

Exceptional pastoral care combined with expert teachers inspire pupils’ confidence, curiosity and commitment to all of their studies, both academic and vocational. Our aim is for every pupil to leave ArtsEd as a creative, articulate and imaginative young adult, assured of their ability to achieve their best in their chosen field.

The leaders of the school have developed a culture of mutual respect and tolerance which is seen in the interactions between pupils and pupils and staff around the school.  Inclusion and diversity are prioritised by leaders with the recent appointment of staff and pupil equality, diversity and inclusion leads.Independent Schools Inspectorate – March 2024

Our ethos is underpinned by our SIX PILLARS OF EXCELLENCE:



“Don’t just aim high, aim higher!”

ArtsEd is the best place for any young person with talent and ambition. A recognised award-winning centre of excellence in the performing arts, we have been nurturing creative and talented children since 1919.



“I am not what has happened to me; I am what I choose to become.”

Resilience is such an important quality to develop in the modern world, especially for anyone considering a career in the performing arts. We aim to develop everyone’s ability to ‘bounce back’ and stay focused in the face of challenges or disappointment.



“Alone we can do so little; together we can achieve so much more.”

In every classroom, studio and theatre space, the skills needed for successful teamwork are demonstrated and reinforced, allowing for a genuine sense of collaboration to develop. Our community of teachers, parents, students and pupils provides a place of passion and love for all to accomplish something incredible.



“Discipline not desire determines your destiny.”

Self-discipline is a key quality that we foster, encouraging pupils to develop a range of aptitudes and skills that see them grow as independent, articulate problem-solvers who are enthusiastic, brave and bold.



“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

The unique success of ArtsEd is built on strong pastoral relationships, which pupils find both supportive and motivational. We foster their individuality and personal growth as much as their academic development, and create the learning conditions required for pupils to be able to look at, and understand, any situation from another’s point of view. We encourage and enable all of our pupils to demonstrate respect, understanding and empathy for everyone they meet, through showing tolerance, courtesy and enthusiasm for learning.



“Your only limit is you.”

Appreciating and making the most of every learning opportunity that comes your way is an attribute that lies at the heart of our pupils’ success. We enhance this quality by teaching our students to celebrate every success, instilling an appreciation of the powerful role that personal drive plays in getting things done.

“I wanted my daughter to be somewhere where she could continue her academic successes, but in a warm and happy environment that’s fun and supportive, and ArtsEd was the answer.”

– Parent