Sixth Form Admissions

Open Evenings & Visits

Our Sixth Form Open Evening took place on Wednesday 11 September 2024. To find out more about future events, please visit this page.

The admissions process is outlined below. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about any aspect.
020 8987 6600  |

Admissions Overview

Admissions to the Sixth Form are by auditions in November and February. Applications have now closed. Auditions for Y12 entry in September 2025 were on:

  • Monday 4 November 2024
  • Monday 24 February 2025
  • Tuesday 25 February 2025
  • Wednesday 26 February 2025

On the day of their audition all candidates take part in:

  • Drama Workshop and/or Dance Technique Class
  • A group interview with a member of the Sixth Form staff

In addition, each candidate is required to prepare individual audition pieces alongside other course specific requirements. These vary according to the mix of BTECs and A Levels chosen and are outlined below.

Audition Requirements Per Subject

BTEC Musical Theatre Monologues, Drama Workshop, Song, Dance Technique Class
BTEC Acting Monologues, Drama Workshop
BTEC Dance Dance Solos, Dance Technique Class
A Level Dance Dance Solos, Dance Technique Class, Dance Interview
A Level Drama Monologues, Drama Workshop
A Level Music Vocal/Instrumental Pieces, Interview, Theory Task

Applicants are advised to read and consider the ArtsEd Sixth Form Option Blocks 2025-2026, as well as the entry requirements for their possible course of study. We may offer candidates alternative pathways to their initial application based on their audition. If you have any questions about either the subject blocks or the entry requirements, please get in touch.

Audition Requirements

All audition pieces must fulfil the following requirements:

  • one classical monologue from a play – Shakespeare, Marlowe or Webster AND
  • one monologue from a published play written post-1990

Each piece should be no longer than one to two minutes and fully memorised. Students should also be prepared to discuss their monologues.

If you are applying to BTEC Acting and/or BTEC Musical Theatre alongside A level Drama, you should use the same monologues and will be auditioned for all courses at the same time.

Song - BTEC Musical Theatre
  • one song that must be selected from the list below:
  • Please be mindful of your casting when choosing your audition song.

Candidates will be emailed a link to the cut sheet music on application.

Soprano / Alto

Mr Snow Carousel
I Don’t Know His Name She Loves Me
Waiting For Life Once On This Island
Beyond My Wildest Dreams Little Mermaid
Some Things Are Meant to Be Little Women
Stranger to the Rain Children of Eden
Look What Happened To Mabel Mack and Mabel
My Grand Plan The Lightning Thief
A Way Back to Then Title of Show
I Hate The Bus Caroline or Change


She’s Too Far Above Me Half a Sixpence
Old Red Hills of Home Parade
What Do I Need With Love Thoroughly Modern Millie
Lost In the Wilderness Children of Eden
Different Honk
And They’re Off A New Brain
Larger than Life My Favourite Year
Left Behind Spring Awakening
Let It Sing Violet
The Life That You Wished For Chaplin


Voice/Instrumental - Music A Level
  • two contrasting vocal and/or instrumental pieces in any genre

Performances should be to a minimum of Grade 5 standard or equivalent.

Music should be performed in the original key and copies of the sheet music must be provided.

Candidates will also take part in the following:

  • a music theory task, including reading notes on the treble and bass clef, identifying keys and chords and completing a short score analysis
  • a short interview with the Music Department in which candidates should be ready to talk about their experiences in performing, composing and listening.

Candidates must have achieved Grade 7 at GCSE Music.

Dance Solo - BTEC Dance

One short solo piece in one of the following styles: Jazz, Musical Theatre, Contemporary, Commercial or Ballet. Accompaniment can be provided on a mobile phone.

Candidates will also have a short interview with the BTEC Dance Pathway Leader.

Dance Solo - Dance A Level

One short solo piece of your own choreography based on the following stimulus:

  • IMAGE: Metamorphose by M.C. Escher – can be found on Google image

Accompaniment can be provided on a mobile phone.

Candidates will also have a short interview with the Head of Dance.

Dance Technique Class & Drama Workshop

All candidates will take part in either a drama workshop or dance technique class. Please ensure that you have comfortable and appropriate clothing with you and that you remove all jewellery for this element of the audition.

Fine Art

Please bring a portfolio of your GCSE work, including a range of work from Years 10 and 11, this should include sketches and final pieces.


Please email a portfolio of images and a short statement as detailed below:

  • 20× photos that you have taken of which you are especially proud. To help us understand the context and location of your work, please save each image using a descriptive title, e.g. Reflection On Pond or Distorted Figure Dancing
  • 20× images that demonstrate how you have been inspired either by a well-known photographer or an exhibition that you have visited. Again, please title each of these images to help us understand the inspiration, e.g. Old Woman Inspired By Arbus or Reflections After Tarkovsky
  • a short statement explaining why you would like to take Photography for A Level and what you hope to gain from the subject. Please save this as a separate Word document using your name as the title

The portfolio and statement should be put into a PowerPoint document and emailed using a WeTransfer or OneDrive link a minimum of 24 hours BEFORE the date of your audition. Please DO NOT send small batches of images.

Candidates who have taken GCSE Photography must have attained Grade 7 or above.

If you have any questions about studying A Level Photography, please do not hesitate to contact the Head of Photography, Greg Beavis at