Day School and Sixth Form Students Welfare

Our pastoral team is dedicated to supporting the wellbeing and development of each and every pupil as they progress through the school.

“The curriculum, school policies and school activities encourage and support an ethos of mutual respect where pupils appreciate the individuality of others and feel they can be their natural selves. Pupils are kind and tolerant, and there is a clear focus on matters of equality and inclusion.”

Independent Schools Inspectorate – March 2024

Day School
Tutor groups are a focal point of life at ArtsEd, meeting at least three times a day. Teachers and pupils spend their time planning homework, discussing current affairs and working through the Personal, Health, Social and Economic Education (PSHEE) programme. Designed to encourage independence and develop emotional intelligence, PSHEE sessions equip young people with practical skills and knowledge that help them to manage their lives, now and in the future. In Years 10 and 11, this time is also used to discuss Further Education options. Guest speakers are regularly invited to come in and talk about specialist subjects.

An important aspect of tutor-group time is the opportunity for pupils to talk though their day with a teacher. Challenges and opportunities, big and small, are discussed as and when they arise, and time is taken to think about how to approach them. The supportive nature of these sessions inspires friendships amongst pupils, as well as warm and constructive relationships between teachers and pupils.

Small class sizes in every subject mean high levels of attention and teacher input for all pupils and ability levels, enabling confidence and enthusiasm to thrive right across the curriculum.

“I’ve been really impressed with the pastoral care here, and the guidance the pupils have been given around e-security and how to stay safe online. The teachers are great at keeping us updated on any challenges our young people might be facing.”  – Year 8 Parent

Pupil Council
The Day School’s Pupil Council consists of pupils from each class who are elected by their peers to represent them and their views. The Council gives students a forum in which to have their say on issues that affect them, and so students know that their opinions have been heard and that they count. The Pupil Council also takes the lead on fundraising events for our chosen charities, and provides leadership and development opportunities for all participants.

Vocational Captains
Pupils who are particularly gifted in the performing arts and show strong leadership skills are awarded the role of music, drama or dance captain for their year group. They are expected to take the lead in rehearsals; support their peers in learning both academic and vocational material; and be ambassadors for the performing arts inside and outside of the school.

Sixth Form

Sixth Form tutor groups meet weekly to talk through coursework queries and any homework challenges, and to work through the PSHEE programme. Discussions cover practical issues such as how to manage stress, develop emotional resilience and foster positive mental health. The sessions also provide the time for advice and support about moving on to further training and education, including guidance on vocational courses, auditions and applications to UCAS.

“The teachers at ArtsEd are really caring and are always able to spot if we’re having a bad day. They’re always there for a chat – they’re like our family in a way.” – Sixth Form Student

Student Council
We are committed to ensuring that students’ opinions and suggestions are heard and valued. The Sixth Form Student Council representatives play a key role in this endeavour, meeting regularly with their peers to gather opinions, discuss issues and garner suggestions. The students’ engagement with the daily life of the school has recently resulted in improved recycling facilities, increased IT resources, enhanced lunch menus and successful fundraising events.

Sixth Form students also run LGBTQ+, a support group that welcomes all, with the aim of raising awareness about LGBTQ+ issues by running engaging events throughout the year.

Living Away from Home
Support and advice on managing everyday life is provided to students living away from home during weekly meetings with tutors. Whether living with a host family, friends or on their own, pastoral care and support are constantly available, and the weekly meetings give students a chance to share their experiences and talk through any issues that might come up. They are also an opportunity to catch up with and support each other in practical ways, for example, by sharing recipes and shopping advice, and getting tips on managing housemates.

School Captains
The positions of School Captain and Vice Captain are awarded to students who exemplify the spirit of ArtsEd, displaying an outstanding attitude towards learning, a positive and helpful approach to all aspects of school life and an excellent attendance record. The Captains are role models for students from Year 7 upwards and serve as leaders in school activities.

During the course of the school year, they serve on various committees, including school events planning, and they are invited to the Senior Leadership Team every half term to discuss the student body as a whole. They play a key role in the school’s charitable and outreach activities by supporting or attending events as often as their timetable allows.