Download the Presentation Slides
Thank you for your interest in the ArtsEd MA Acting course. If you were unable to join us live, you can watch a recording of the online event above. We hope you found the session informative and inspiring.
Self-Tape Tips
- No need to attempt ‘acting for camera.’
- We want to see a theatrical performance.
- Use your natural voice/accent. We want to hear YOU.
- Wear comfortable clothing. No need to dress as the character or wear a costume.
- Minimal/no make-up, and hair should be tied back so that we can see your face.
- You should film each monologue no more than 3 times and choose the most connected take from the 3 to send to us.
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Start an Application
When you’re ready to move forward, our online application form is available below. The application deadline is 1st March 2025.
If you have any questions about the course or the application process, please do not hesitate to contact George Richmond-Scott at
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