ArtEd’s Director of the School of Acting is one to watch in The Stage 100.


Julie Spencer, Director of the School of Acting, has been cited as one to watch in The Stage’s list of the 100 most influential people working in the theatre and performing arts industry today.  A new entry for 2020, Julie has been noted as a major force for positive change in the drama training sector, particularly since her appointment to ArtsEd as the first black woman to lead a BA conservatoire training course.  The 2019/20 intake on our BA Acting course reflects the impact that she has already had, with 60% of the cohort identifying as black or minority ethnic.

The news took the Twitter world by storm, with Julie thanking ArtsEd Principal, Chris Hocking, as well as The Stage and receiving a flood of messages of congratulations and support. We are immensely proud of everything she has achieved in just twelve months and are delighted that her contribution to the industry has been publically recognised.



Julie will be continuing her search for actors from all backgrounds at our Manchester auditions. Focused on our BA Acting course, auditions will take place on Saturday 8 February 2020 from 10am at the Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester.  Find out more and apply!