Sixth Form Student Wins Young Person’s Award


Sixth Form student Daniel Ellis has won the British Dyslexia Association Young Person’s Award 2016. The award was made in recognition of Daniel’s commitment to creating positive attitudes towards dyslexia which he achieved through his stand-up comedy performances. The award also acknowledges how far Daniel has come from being diagnosed to achieving a place at ArtsEd.

In his acceptance speech Daniel spoke of his dyslexia as a gift: “I would not be in the position I am today if I did not have dyslexia. I would not be as creative or free thinking as I am. This gift has enabled me to become an actor and comedian and gain a place at the greatest performing arts Sixth Form in the UK.”

When Daniel finishes his Sixth Form study at ArtsEd next year he hopes to study for a degree in Acting. We are very proud of Daniel’s achievements and look forward to seeing how his bright future unfolds.