This year marks a significant milestone for the beloved musical “Pippin,” as it celebrates its 50th anniversary. The Theatre Royal Drury Lane is set to host a special anniversary concert that promises to breathe new life into the classic show. At the heart of this celebration is the director Jonathan O’Boyle, ArtsEd’s Director of the School of Musical Theatre. Jonathan’s vision brings together an amazing cast, including ArtsEd’s third-year BA (Hons) Musical Theatre (MT) students, serving as the choir, and ArtsEd graduates, including Jac Yarrow and Zizi Strallen, creating a bridge between the school’s past and future.
Under Jonathan O’Boyle’s direction, the production revisits his successful run with “Pippin” in London and Manchester in 2018. With rehearsals starting up for the final performances on April 29th and 30th, the cast and crew are immersed in bringing the musical’s magical story to life. The collaboration with musical director Chris Ma and casting director Jane Deitch ensures a high caliber of performance, set against the backdrop of one of London’s most iconic theatres.
“I’m delighted to be directing the 50th anniversary concert of Pippin, having previously directed the show in London & Manchester in 2018. I’m thrilled to be working with the talented third years on this production, as well as ArtsEd graduates Jac and Zizi. It’s great to see emerging talent working with some of our esteemed alumni.”
Jonathan O’Boyle – Director of the School of Musical Theatre
Since its original Broadway debut in 1972, “Pippin” has enchanted audiences with its compelling story and captivating music by Stephen Schwartz and Roger O. Hirson. The original production, directed and choreographed by Bob Fosse, won five Tony Awards, establishing its place in the pantheon of musical theatre classics. The show’s revival in 2013 continued its legacy, winning four Tony Awards, including Best Revival of a Musical. Although smaller in scale, ArtsEd’s BTEC Musical Theatre Sixth Form students recently brought this incredible show to life at ArtsEd’s Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation Theatre here in Chiswick.
The “Pippin” 50th Anniversary Concert at Theatre Royal Drury Lane is not just a celebration of a musical milestone but a showcase of the bright future of musical theatre. Don’t miss the chance to witness this magical blend of history and new talent coming together for two nights only this April.
Come watch our 3rd Year School of Musical Theatre in Pippin’s 50th Anniversary Concert:
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