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ArtsEd Graduate, Jac Yarrow Wins at The Stage Debut Awards!

Posted on: September 18th, 2019 by ArtsEd Admin

Image Credit: Alex Brenner

For the past two years, ArtsEd has celebrated some fantastic wins at the Stage Debut awards – and 2019 was no different! On Sunday 15 September, BA Musical Theatre graduate, Jac Yarrow won the Joe Allen Best West End Debut Award for his professional debut as Joseph in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat at The Palladium.

The award was presented by ArtsEd alumna, Janie Dee, and Jac shared a heart-felt thank you to ArtsEd and everyone who voted for him.

“Winning this award is a cherry on the top of a perfectly iced cake: Joseph. It feels surreal, and I’m so grateful to everyone who voted for me.”

ArtsEd Principal and Director of the School of Musical Theatre, Chris Hocking, attended the event, and shared his well-wishes:

“A massive congratulations to Jac for winning the West End Debut Awards! We were delighted to be there supporting him on the night, and couldn’t be more proud of what he has achieved. Here’s to a bright and exciting future ahead of him!” 

The Director of the School of Acting, Julie Spencer also attended the event, and gave Jac a shout-out on Twitter:

“So proud to see ArtsEd 2019 Graduate Jac Yarrow collect this award this evening. Janie Dee is an absolute legend. What an incredible night!”

The evening showcased some wonderful performances from previous winners, including ArtsEd graduate, Amara Okereke who won Best Actress in a Musical at the awards last year.

Day School Pupil wins lead role in The Boy in the Dress at the RSC!

Posted on: September 13th, 2019 by ArtsEd Admin

ArtsEd Day School pupil, Oliver Crouch, will soon be heading up to Stratford-upon-Avon to start rehearsing as the lead in the Royal Shakespeare Company’s latest new musical, The Boy in the Dress. This exciting new production is based on David Walliams’ best-selling book with music from Robbie Williams and Guy Chambers. The show will be directed by Gregory Doran, Artistic Director of the RSC.

The show follows 12 year-old Dennis, a top striker for his football team, who dreams of wearing a dress to school and Oliver will be sharing the role with three other boys.  This is not Oliver’s first time in a major production. His most recent role was Potiphar in Joseph And The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat at the Palladium, starring Jac Yarrow, a graduate of our BA in Musical Theatre. Prior to that, Oliver was in Matilda at the Cambridge Theatre and on the UK tour.

Over the moon with his new role, Oliver told us:

“I’m absolutely thrilled to be playing the role of Dennis and I’m so happy to able to create a new role within a brand new and exciting show!”

This rising star will be supported by a fantastic cast chock-full of ArtsEd alumni and recent graduates. Charlotte Jaconelli as Lorna, Alex Moneypenny as Gareth, Ahmed Hamad, Hannah Fairclough and Clancy Ryan in the ensemble and Georgie Westall as Swing.

The Boy in the Dress will be at Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford-Upon-Avon from 27 November until 8 March. Tickets are already on sale, so book now for what promises to be a very exciting show!

ArtsEd Graduation Celebrations 2019!

Posted on: September 10th, 2019 by ArtsEd Admin

Yesterday, ArtsEd’s BA (Hons) Acting and BA (Hons) Musical Theatre students celebrated three years of hard graft, arriving in caps and gowns to collect their degrees and all qualifying with flying colours.

Surrounded by family, friends and the ArtsEd staff that have nurtured their talents throughout their time here, this year’s graduation was a joyful occasion, full of anticipation for the future of the talented graduates of 2019.

Principal, Chris Hocking, opened the Ceremony, inspiring the gradates with his words of wisdom:

“Congratulations for making it to the end – Three years, but I bet it feels like it has gone in a blink of an eye!  You have all done brilliantly to get through our training.  It is demanding and intense and there has been blood, sweat and plenty of tears.  But it’s so worth it!  We know that you will all go on to brilliant, varied and fascinating jobs in your journey through the business of show!  Remember to keep learning and always be curious!”

Julie Spencer, ArtsEd’s new Director of the School of Acting and Chris Whitehead, Head of Third Year Musical Theatre, also addressed the audience, encouraging the graduates to be kind, to be brave and to be bold.

Addresses on behalf of the graduates were given by Nicole Baisden, representing the School of Musical Theatre and Michael Workeye, representing the School of Acting.

We were delighted to welcome Peter Polycarpou as our Guest Speaker.  The wonderful triple-threat star of stage and screen underlined the importance of looking after yourself in the cut and thrust of the business:

“Mental health is crucial in this industry – look after who you are. Be prepared and be resilient. Give yourself space and time to be quiet and endeavour to bend, not break, like bamboo in the wind.”

Guest Speaker, Peter Polycarpou.

Degrees were conferred by City, University of London, and celebrations continued back at ArtsEd where graduates joined the ArtsEd Alumni Network – ensuring that we can stay in touch and celebrate their successes well into the future.

And finally, some of the class of 2019 had some words of wisdom for their first year selves.

“Enjoy every minute – and face every challenge with a smile.”

“Don’t underestimate the power of rest!”

 “Make every day count…it will all go by in a flash!”

BA (Hons) Musical Theatre Graduates 2019.
BA (Hons) Acting Graduates 2019.